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Prophecy: Made to Hear God’s Voice is a 7-week children’s church curriculum that encourages children to listen to the voice of God.  When I started children’s ministry in 2007, I asked the Lord “Where do I start?”. His reply was quick and to the point, ‘My children need to learn to hear my voice’. This curriculum was birthed out of those years of asking God how to do this.

Want your kids to hear from God? This is part of the relationship and conversation! It goes two ways. We speak, and He listens. He speaks, and we listen. But in this day of ever-increasing distractions, have we lost the ability to listen? Help your kids discover what listening to God’s voice is, and why it’s so important. Give them opportunities to train their listening ears to hear the voice of their Shepherd. Paul even mentions the importance of all believers to prophesy in 1 Corinthians 14:5. Prophecy: Made to Listen is a children’s church curriculum that helps activate a very important gift in the believer. God speaks, but we don’t always hear Him. In this children’s church curriculum, we give children the opportunity to hear from God. The children will begin to see that the living God is actively pursuing them and has something to say, all we have to do is stop and listen.

This curriculum is available in  downloadable PDF format only.


1- God Speaks, We Listen!

2- My Sheep Hear My Voice

3- God’s Alarm System

4- Let Your Words Guide Me

5- The Prophets

6-Prophetic Ministry

7- Celebration Day!



Like us on Facebook to get updated on new releases and other children’s ministry resources.

For more on Hearing God’s Voice, check out the post The Act of Listening.

Prophecy: Made to Listen

$40.00 Regular Price
$35.00Sale Price
Excluding Sales Tax
  • All downloads are in a pdf file format. Make sure they are compatable with your device. You will be sent an email upon completion of order with links to download pdf files.

  • Printed Paperback Version Available on Amazon

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